Church Tackle's "The Walleye Board" are popular inline planer boards which can be used with any line, including the new super braided lines. Church Tackle Walleye Board Planer Boards have a glass-filled, super tough nylon clip that is coated with a material NASA uses in the space shuttle program. The clip holds the new, ultra thin, slippery braids and fused lines (like Berkley FireLine, not included) that are popular for trolling. Set correctly, this clip will not damage even light monofilament. It is designed so the board can be removed with just one hand while fighting a fish. A spring-loaded retaining pin holds the line in a groove at the rear of the board. Just pull the pin with one hand when removing the board. Anglers, after hard-charging fish like salmon, stripers, and saltwater species, may set the Adjustable Flex Clip light enough so that strikes pull the line free. The pin holds the board on the line as it slides back to a swivel tied a few feet in front of the lure.
An adjustable keel weight keeps the nose of the board tracking in the water even when using deep diving plugs or heavy weights
Closed-cell foam flotation absorbs no water
The catamaran shape minimizes diving and flying when trolling upwind or hitting a large wave at higher speeds. If the board does dive, a side fin on the rear of the board immediately planes the board back to the surface
The bright color makes it easy to spot without the need for a flag
Made of non-corrosive materials suitable for saltwater use
Church Tackle Walleye Board Planer Boards are made in the U.S.A.